CineSys File Reveal for iconik allows you to reveal locally downloaded iconik files via Finder, and is launched from the iconik web interface. It is a custom app built and supported by It can be set up to use any local directory or mounted volume(Downloads, network storage, etc.) or your iconik Storage Gateway(ISG) directory.
How do I get it? What does it cost?
CineSys File Reveal for iconik can be found in the App Store, and is free of charge.
System Requirements
This app requires macOS Catalina(10.15) or newer.
Step 1 - Download the app here.
Step 2 - Log into iconik via web browser.
Step 3 - Navigate to an asset that exists on your local system, either as a download or on an iconik Storage Gateway(ISG).
Step 4 - Click the File Reveal icon in the Asset>Files view, and choose "Allow".
Step 5 - Select your local folder location for the app to reveal your files in Finder (initial, one-time setup).
Things to know
In addition to your Finder window, using the app will also show a window that lists your current mapped storages:
1. Update Mapped Storage - Allows you to update the file path for the selected storage
2. Remove - Removes the selected storage
3. Open Again - Re-opens finder to reveal your selected file
For iconik Storage Gateway(ISG) users:
It is very important that you maintain the relative file path when selecting your local folder location, otherwise the app will not be able to reveal your file. This means choosing the ISG Mount Point as the Mapped Storage path during initial setup(for questions about your storage's mount point, please contact your iconik administrator).
NOTE: For assets located on multiple ISG locations, the app currently supports handling the first location listed in the Asset>Files panel. This will be corrected in the next iconik release, which will allow you to choose which file instance to reveal locally.